Report post

How did cattle markets perform in June?

Live cattle posted mixed action with contracts 50 cents lower to 42 cents higher. June futures were held up with a 42 cent gain, as futures are still $4-8 discount to cash. USDA reported cash sales of $186 in the South, up to $190 in the North last week, $2-3 higher.

How do you manage cattle price risk?

Manage the risk inherent in cattle production and processing with Live Cattle futures and options. Facilitate price discovery and manage price risk related to the purchase or sale of cattle. Benefit from arbitrage and spread opportunities with other commodities such as grains. 40,000 pounds (~18 metric tons) U.S. cents per pound TAS: LET

How did the CME feeder cattle index perform on May 17?

The CME Feeder Cattle index was up $3.83 on May 17 to $246.87 and converging nicely with May FC futures. USDA’s Wholesale Boxed Beef prices were mixed in the Monday PM report. Choice boxes were down 75 cents at $312.70, with Select $1.95 higher to $299.35. That narrowed the Chc/Sel spread to $13.35.

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